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CATCo Overview


The Chicago Airlines Terminal Consortium (CATCo) was formed in 1990 as a Member Airline not-for-profit Corporation.  CATCo has a mandate to provide an efficient and cost-effective operation of Consortium equipment located in Terminal 5 at O'Hare International Airport.  Through the cooperative efforts of its contractors, CATCo operates and maintains the Terminal 5 baggage sortation system, inbound baggage claim system, passenger loading bridges, aircraft preconditioned air system, 400Hz ground power, hydrant fueling system, common use computer terminals (vMUSE), FIDS and BIDS systems, potable water cabinets, and the triturator facility.

CATCo also manages vendor services for checkpoint security support, skycap and passenger assistance, and gate allocation assignment activities.  


Our CATCo team realizes the importance of solid and productive communication, as well as identifying better ways to get the required tasks accomplished, reducing the average time it takes to get the work completed, better scheduling, and having the necessary personnel. materials, and supplies to bring projects to completion effectively and efficiently. It goes without saying management reviews for sustaining quality control will take place for assessing accomplishments, effectiveness and the need for adjustments to the program. Effective control starts with managerial observation and evaluation, is enhanced by proper organization of activities, and is aided through feedback and reporting.


The ultimate long-term success of the Airline Consortium Property and Equipment Manager at O'Hare International Terminal 5 must be founded on a unique working partnership with all stakeholders.  This partnership must be predicated upon the commitment that the Consortium will remain flexible, accountable, and fully supportive of the changing needs of the carriers that operate at O'Hare International Terminal 5, and the 6.3 million passengers who travel through the terminal each year.

CATCo understands the challenges of international terminal operations.  We are up to the challenge, and are committed to building and retaining a quality-driven partnership with CICA TEC.


Leadership Team 

Our CATCo leadership team, made up of AvAirPros Services management professionals, have implemented a staffing schedule to be present and onsite during all operational periods necessary to provide active contract management, resolve operational and customer service challenges as they arise, and provide stakeholder notification of any issues.It will be the ongoing goal of this team to continue facilitiating and coordinating positive interaction with all airport stakeholders including the airlines, Chicago Department of Aviation, and all government agencies such as Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).

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